Chris turned out not to not have the appeal I thought he would. He never really clicked in the Top 12 round and it was just a matter of time, even if he didn’t make a mess of the song as he did this week. Haley and Phil joined Chris in the bottom three and it wouldn’t be surprising to see either of them go out in the next few weeks. And no Sanjaya wasn’t out. What we need to get rid of him is a quiet week where he doesn’t drum up attention (Mohawk, etc.) and probably it won’t occur for a few more weeks. There’s no conspiracy, not Vote for the Worst impact, it’s the same as every year. There is one young and cute person of varying talent who goes really far – just because they attract fans that want a young teen idol. See John Stevens, Jasmine Trias, Constantine, etc. The good news is they go away eventually.
2 days later the show seemed very forgettable. I thought it’s funny on a Gwen Stefani themed night, Lakisha and Melinda did dueling Donna Summer songs. It’s clear that these two are there to stay, although I think Melinda is the clear front runner. I think Blake may be a bigger threat to her than Lakisha is. He was good again this week if a bit boring. (He was doing 311’s arrangement of Love Song, which is why it was so different.) I thought Jordin was a huge mess with her Gwen Stefani impersonation, and I’m really reassured she was not in the bottom three. Hopefully she can arrive as a darkhorse as well.
The rest for me was the same, Chris R was good but not fantastic (horrible song choice in my opinion, it’s meant for a woman’s voice). Haley was pretty dull, and Phil is always pretty dull. Hopefully people can pull something good out next week, it’s STANDARDS with TONY BENNETT. Usually this makes for an ok show (due to the songs being easy to sing) but it would be nice to see some people pushed further out of their comfort zone.
Sorry, I can't resist commenting on your comment that Tony Bennett's songs (and most "standards" for that matter) are "easy to sing." Those songs require mastery of phrasing and breath control - two things most contestants on American Idol don't have. Bennett and Sinatra and Dean Martin made those songs LOOK easy to sing - but believe me, they're not. Been there, done that :-)
This is true, this is me oversimplifying things. I guess what I'm going for is these are more the type of songs people probably prepared for their auditions, rather than a genre they never tried before. For instance, Sanjaya's audition song (apparently the only thing he can sing) qualifies under tonight's topic according to what i've seen.
Good point, i love detailed analysis.
what was Sanjaya's audition song? I missed it.
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