Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Episode 23 - Top Ten Thoughts...

Why Gwen Stefani? I don't get it...

Lakisha and Melinda did dueling Donna Summer songs. I though Melinda was better. Both of them IMO skew really old now. They are also a victim of their own early success, Lakisha already had her Summertime (Fantasia) moment in week 1 of the top 24. I'm sure one of them will come through soon...

Phil was very good this week, probably his best performance. The song choice helped a lot. Chris R sounded like Justin Timberlake singing Gwen Stefani. I'm surprised the judges didn' kill him more, i thought it was just awful. Blake was good but I thought a bit boring, I don't know why he didn't stick closer to the original's tempo.

I though Jordin was awful and looked awful, but the judges did not. I like her so I'm glad, I hope she is around for a long time.

The bottom of the pack really was weak this week. Chris Slight wasn't that bad but nothing special. Haley was overmatched by her song and Sanjaya just sucks, but at least he didn't butcher anything i liked. He seems to have embraced the role of caricature and that's a shame, his original audition was so good! Now he's just awful. What was with the hair? It's a bad joke.

Hopefully tommorrow Sanjaya leaves us but I'm not betting on it....Haley or Chris S seems a safer bet....



planetmaria said...

I think Gwen Stefani looks about 18 without the red lipstick..

I love Melinda but I think she is playing it very, very safe. That may come to bite her.

Chris s. is killing me; I want him to stay but he may go tonight. I'd rather see Chris R. go - he just irritates me to no end.

Anonymous said...

I say Haley will go tonight cuz we all know Sanjaya won't. If he does, I will wear a mohawk!

FINALLY, songs I recognized! Gina and Phil did have their best performance thus far, but I wasn't all that about his rendition of the Police classic, and his hats just don't work on him.

Lakisha and Melinda put some energy into the night (whew!) with their upbeat songs! Melinda's hair was so much better this week! Who is Simon though to make fashion comments???

Sanjaya...he was cute and endearing in the beginning. Now he's just a joke and America is forgetting that "it's a singing competition!!!"

Whoah, just heard Phil is in the bottom 3?
- sn

Anonymous said...

Oh man! would have loved to see "SN" wear a mohawk!! Darn! hehe

Gwen was totally awesome...loved her.. wasnt surprised to see Curly leave..

Melinda is good..but her looks are NOT growing on me.. at all!!
