Thursday, May 24, 2007


The American Idol Winner is….

JORDIN SPARKS!!! The chosen one (at least by Randy), she got a big boost during country night when Simon decreed “you COULD win”. That’s a very important step to any idol during the year. She had a few very memorable performances, but for the most part was very up and down, more up and down than any winner prior. She CAN sing though, and as entertaining as Blake was, it’s funny that the singer clearly beat out the entertainer when it was down to one on one. I think the final four hurt Blake, if you were a Laksiha or Melinda fan, Jordin was closer to them than Blake was style-wise (Blake wasn’t close to anyone style-wise) and she probably kept picking up votes.

The finale itself was a good show, although it showcased a few things that hurt the overall choice. One, Jordin wasn’t close to the most entertaining performer, even among the idols. She was even outshined by Blake, who really stole the show along with Doug E Fresh. Sanjaya was a fantastic mess, and with Joe Perry and his adoring (crying) fan along for the joke it was really fun. More Gwen Stefani (GO AWAY!), a frightening Bette Milder performance (the skirt and the little twirl just about killed me) and plenty of idol winners! Carrie shined (she’s really good, there’s no denying), Kelly was great, Ruben was great, and Taylor was a totally disinterested mess. (I’m erasing him from the banks of winners and declaring Clay a co-winner in season 2 to keep us at 6 winners.)

And our pool winners are….
-MARIA P in 1st $308 (Yes Barbara, you did help her pick…)
-KIM C in 2nd $88
-Winnie, Barbara, Eiko, Gregory, L Janney, Lincoln, Meri, Ruthie and Soenum in 3rd $5 each!
Please contact me today for your winnings. =)

Couple of things for next year….
-We will be doing a 1 to 12 type picking, to give more week to week reason to care about your picks. (Although you still only pick once.) Some people were blocked from winning from the first day because the picks were the same and the tiebreaker was not. That’s not fun, to basically lose your $10 before anyone even sings! I’ll send ideas out to some of you to get feedback. (This idea from Joel.)
-Idol desperately needs to ditch the singing of the “Idol Song”. Let the winner sing the song AFTER they win. The song is awful, it ends the finale badly, and it never suits both singers.
-They should weed out the people with more professional training to be honest. For the most part, they are boring.
- I think I’ll post some more thoughts here if you wish to discuss…need to think on the season a bit more. Best moments and all that. Thanks again to Nam on the blog idea and starting it up.

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