Monday, May 14, 2007

Top Three - Three Songs Each...

We have three songs each, the judges choice, the singers choice, and Clive Davis's choice. (I originally typed CLIVE BARKER here, which would be quite bizarre.) I've heard Paula does Blake's choice, Simon Jordin's, and Randy Melinda's. Very little info out beside that, not even confirmation that Clive Davis is on the show. I've also heard the personal song choices for Jordin and Melinda may be songs they did already. I really hope this is not the case and it's just a rumor.

So who does everyone thing will win? I'll post what I think pre-show tomorrow on everyone's chances...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melinda will win because "it's a singing competition!" Hopefully, those voting will recognize that she's pretty much all there technically and vote for her. Maybe I will vote for the first time! Blake has more commercial appeal, but that should not be reason to let him win. If he's got that much appeal, he'll get noticed eventually, Idol or no Idol.

Don't know why Melinda hadn't been picked up by someone already! All you music producers and such, get with the program!

Can't wait to see the song selections.

- SN